How To Get Rid Of A Christmas Tree After The Holidays

It’s not always easy to part with your Christmas tree once the holidays are over, and you might wonder how to get rid of old Christmas trees. Can you throw Christmas trees in the trash? While the answer is yes if you think the only option is to throw Christmas trees out, think again! Whether it’s finding a way to repurpose it or discard it, several methods can put your old tree to use one last time.

Possible Ways to Dispose of Old Christmas Tree
When considering how to get rid of a Christmas tree, it’s good to remember there is more than one way to do it, with some methods being unique and unconventional. Disposing of Christmas trees can be more than just throwing them out into the woods, so consider some of these ideas:

>Treecycling: This gives your tree new life by turning it into mulch or other shredded organic materials. The pine needles themselves can also be swept or removed and used as mulch in the garden.
Leave out for trash or large item pickup: The simplest and easiest way to get your tree out of sight is to leave it out to get taken to the dump or recycling plant. First, make sure your local garbage services pick up trees after the holiday is over.
>Compost your tree: Your Christmas tree can be chopped into small pieces and gradually added to a compost pile throughout the winter season to maintain a healthy ratio of brown and green parts in your compost.
Get creative: Your old tree can be turned into decorations or a wildlife sanctuary if you have extra yard space. The tree as a whole can be repurposed, or the branches can be removed, and the trunk can be cut into small sections and used as a border for your garden.
>Throw into a lake: If you’re wondering where to throw Christmas trees away, you can consider a local lake to dump the tree. These trees can create a safe haven for many aquatic creatures, which can benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

Common Steps of Disposing
Disposing of an old tree can be a messy process, though it doesn’t have to be with a bit of preparation! Knowing how to throw out Christmas trees will make cleaning up for the holidays a less stressful event, especially when you know how to do so efficiently and with minimal mess. Here are some typical steps in tree disposal, both on how to dispose of live Christmas trees and fake ones.

Live Christmas Tree
Step #1 Remove decor: Before you dispose of Christmas trees, be sure to remove all ornaments, lights, and decorations to be saved for use next year. You don’t want these to get caught up in the tree or broken during the process of removal.

Step 2#: Drain water: Drain any water remaining in the tree stand to avoid spillage.

Step #3: Bag your tree. This can be done using a Christmas tree removal bag or a large trash bag. The removal bags can be tidily hidden beneath the tree skirt and conveniently pulled up around the tree once you’re done with it, minimizing mess. Alternatively, a large garbage bag can be placed over the top of the tree and tied off at the trunk, so when it’s flipped over for removal, most of the needles will be caught in the bag.

Step #4: Research disposal methods. Look up methods that are common in your area to get rid of your tree. This can be letting your tree get picked up by recycling or getting your tree picked up by services that then turn the tree into mulch or other outdoor organic material. Trees can also be cut up at home and placed into the yard waste pickup container.

Step 5#: Clean any fallen needles. Finish cleaning up by removing any stray needles that have fallen during transportation. Sweeping is the best method for this, as the needles can cause clogging issues in some vacuums.

Fake Xmas Tree
Step #1 Remove decor: Remove all decorations, lights, and ornaments.

Step #2 Put away (or dispose of): If your fake tree has served many faithful years and it’s time for it to be dumped, look up when large item pickup is available in your area so you can set the tree outside near the trash at the right time. If you have access to a shared dumpster, such as in an apartment complex, you can dispose of Christmas trees easily. Other ways to get rid of your fake tree include packing it up and donating it to thrift stores or charities. You can also consider repurposing the tree to turn it into a wreath or garland that can be used differently in the future. Source