Disposal of Exercise Equipment

It’s a problem a lot of people can relate to. You had the best intentions when you bought that treadmill, but never quite got around to using it. If you’ve got exercise equipment that’s cluttering up your home, it might be time to get rid of it and take back that space. However, getting rid of it on your own isn’t easy.

Large pieces of equipment can be incredibly heavy and tough to move around. Then there’s the matter of actually disposing of it. Most of these items can’t simply be left out on the curb with your regular garbage pickup.

If you’ve still got a functional treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical, or other piece of fitness equipment, you can probably still sell or donate it.

“In general, a treadmill that is worth trying to re-home should be under 10 years old and not have had any heavy use.” “If the treadmill has any issues with the motor, belt, or electronics, it’s probably best to dispose of it.”

Our advice is to leave it to the professionals. Whether it’s a set of dumbells, elliptical, or stationary bike… leave it to us! Call Bay Hauling we would love to assist you in the removal of these unwanted items.

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